Inventory Management

Main Features

The iA Inventory Academy – Inventory Management course consists of 16 modules that explain in detail those areas, functions and processes that staffs and students need to understand inventory.

Module 1 Safety – we cover all safety aspects of inventory including dangerous goods and load compatibility.
Module 2 Finance – we discuss what you need to focus on to ensure profitability
Module 3 Inventory – we look at the physical inventory characteristics and the importance of Master Data.
Module 4 Strategic Planning – understanding how lead times affect your stock holdings and how Sales and Operations Planning can safeguard the business.
Module 5 Cost Management – minimising loss through managing inventory shelf life, stock rotation, and minimising cost to operations.
Module 6 Production Systems – Lean/TQM/Six Sigma – using engineering platforms to aide in inventory management.
Module 7 RIS – Research, Investigate, Stocktake – the process requirements for governance and accountability.
Module 8 The Supply Chain – we look at the whole supply chain and how it affects inventory.
Module 9 Warehousing – we discuss how the physical warehouse impacts inventory functions and processes.
Module 10 Logistics – we look at inventory master data and the impacts of poor dimension data.
Module 11 Purchasing/Procurement – we look at the boundaries that exist and the need for structured function requirements. Lead time and its impacts to inventory are also covered as is the Supply Equation.
Module 12 Communications & Training – S&OP and a basic communication strategy is introduced.
Module 13 Human Resources, Information Technology, Sales, Maintenance – we discuss how the ancillary internal functions need to support the primary business function – inventory.
Module 14 Tools – we look at ‘add on’ features and apps that will make the management of inventory a dream.
Module 15 Industry Specific Inventory Management – what each industry requirements are and what bespoke processes they are looking for.
Module 16 Future State – the next generation supply chain system is discussed and conceptualisedHaving completed this course, the student will be able to transition to other industry inventory roles with an understanding of what is required within the industry.

This course will allow students to hit the ground running. It is highly recommended for students to purchase the online text reference book “Inventory & Other Grocery Items” written by Terrence Walmsley and available at Amazon Kindle.

Faq Content 1
Faq Content 2

Productivity Hacks to Get More Done in 2018

— 28 February 2017

  1. Facebook News Feed Eradicator (free chrome extension) Stay focused by removing your Facebook newsfeed and replacing it with an inspirational quote. Disable the tool anytime you want to see what friends are up to!
  2. Hide My Inbox (free chrome extension for Gmail) Stay focused by hiding your inbox. Click "show your inbox" at a scheduled time and batch processs everything one go.
  3. Habitica (free mobile + web app) Gamify your to do list. Treat your life like a game and earn gold goins for getting stuff done!

Get course
Enrolled: 42 students
Duration: 10 hours
Lectures: 17
Video: 9 hours
Level: Intermediate

Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed