
It is recommended to first start with a site Health Check. We work with you to determine the best ‘bang for your business buck’. We will identify for you what training the staff would best benefit from.

Together, we will develop bespoke training to match your business needs and ensure staff engage and that process or procedural developments are captured and reflected within your company SOP’s (standard operating procedures).

iA – Inventory Academy can offer two inventory management workshops;

A Half-day workshop – the content would be drawn from the top three areas identified as concerns for the business;

A Full day workshop – the content would be drawn from the top six areas identified as concerns for the business.

iA – Inventory Academy Supply Chain , Supply Chain Training , Supply Chain Workshops

Half Day Workshop

Full Day Workshop

In addition, the iA – Inventory Academy offers a half day workshop that will train attendees in the Process Measurement basics and how to cost the process. The details and modules used to train in Process Measurement are contained in these courses;

Re-engineering low performing processes can result in large $$ savings to your business. The workshop which includes Lean basics (5S+3, RCA, SSLP, Go-Charts) will promote a better internal culture and promote operational excellence.