Supply Chain Blogs

“Navigating the Final Stretch: The Crucial Last Mile in Supply Chain Logistics”

Introduction In the world of supply chain logistics, “the last mile” refers to the final stage of delivery, where goods are transported from a distribution centre to the end consumer. This phase is pivotal, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. In this blog, we’ll delve into the last mile process, highlighting its […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Logistics, Operations, Supply Chain, Technology,
Supply Chain
“Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management: Opportunities and Challenges”.

The digital transformation of supply chain management is a trend that is rapidly gaining momentum. With the advent of new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain, supply chain management is becoming more efficient, cost-effective, and agile. However, with these opportunities come challenges that must be addressed to ensure […]

Posted in: Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“From Compliance to Sustainability: How Supply Chain Auditing Can Drive Positive Change”

For many years, supply chain auditing has primarily been focused on compliance and risk management. Companies have used audits to ensure that their suppliers are meeting industry standards and regulations, and to identify potential issues that could lead to legal or reputational risks. While compliance is an essential aspect of supply chain management, it is […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Protecting Your Reputation: How Supply Chain Safety Impacts Your Brand and Business Success”

In today’s hyper-connected world, a business’s reputation is more important than ever. With social media and review sites making it easier than ever for customers to share their experiences, a single mistake can quickly damage a brand’s image and impact their bottom line. One area that is particularly important when it comes to protecting your […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Maximizing Productivity: A Guide to Effective Supply Chain Communication and Training”

Effective communication and training are critical components of a successful supply chain. As businesses continue to expand and become more global, the need for clear and concise communication has become increasingly important. In this blog, we will explore the importance of effective communication and training in maximizing productivity within the supply chain. Clear Communication is […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Role of Chat GPT in the Future Development of Supply Chains”

Introduction The supply chain industry plays a critical role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services from production to consumption. With the rapid advancements in technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) have emerged as powerful tools that can revolutionize various aspects of supply chain management. In this report, we will […]

Posted in: Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Squeaky Wheel: Fixing Inefficient Processes for Business Success”

Introduction In today’s competitive business landscape, efficiency and effectiveness are paramount for sustainable success. However, even the most well-designed processes can fall short of expectations and fail to meet key performance indicators (KPIs). When faced with such challenges, it is crucial for organisations to take proactive measures to identify and rectify the underlying issues. In […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Why Visibility and Transparency are Critical to the Future of Supply Chain”

The supply chain is a complex network of entities, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers, that work together to deliver products and services to the end user. It involves numerous transactions, communication, and information exchange, making visibility and transparency critical to its success. Visibility and transparency refer to the ability to track and monitor […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Navigating Demand Variance Challenges in Supply Chain Management: Understanding the Factors Impacting Forecast Accuracy”

Variance between forecasted and actual demand in demand planning can occur due to various factors. These variances can have significant implications for inventory management, production scheduling, and overall supply chain efficiency. Here are some common causes for variances between forecasted and actual demand: To improve demand planning accuracy, it’s important for organisations to continually monitor […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology,
“The Lessons Learnt About Supply Chain Vulnerabilities During Unprecedented Global Events.”

Introduction: Unprecedented global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the vulnerabilities within supply chains worldwide. As businesses faced disruptions and challenges, valuable lessons emerged regarding the need to address key areas of concern. This blog explores four critical aspects of supply chains—excessive lead times, logistics disruptions, purchasing strategies, and operational contingencies—and provides insights […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Solving the Most Common Industry-Specific Supply Chain Issues: A Practical Approach”

In today’s dynamic business landscape, effective supply chain management stands as a paramount necessity. A streamlined supply chain not only enhances operational efficiency but also trims expenses and elevates customer contentment. Nevertheless, specific supply chain challenges inherent to various industries can crop up, causing disruptions that lead to delays, inflated costs, and missed business prospects. […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Getting Ahead in the Game: Common Pain Points in Supply Chain and How Tools Can Help”

In today’s business landscape, supply chain management has become a critical element for companies to remain competitive. With globalization and technological advancements, supply chains have become more complex, and with complexity come challenges. However, these challenges can be overcome with the right tools and techniques. In this blog post, we will discuss some common pain […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Embracing the Shifting Tides of Demand: Creating Positive Variance Amidst Uncertainty”

Introduction In the ever-changing landscape of business, one constant remains: demand forecasting. Accurately predicting customer demand is a paramount concern for companies seeking sustainable growth and optimal operational efficiency. However, the task of demand forecasting is not without its challenges. Numerous variable aspects influence consumer behaviour, from economic factors to market trends and even natural […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Winning the Supply Chain Game with Superior Support Services”

In today’s globalized and highly competitive business landscape, winning the supply chain game is critical for companies to thrive and succeed. However, with increasing complexity and demands of the supply chain, simply having a robust supply chain is not enough. Companies must also provide superior support services to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Finance, Process, Supply Chain, Technology,
“Global Supply Chain Impacts – The Lessons Learnt About Supply Chain Vulnerabilities During Unprecedented Global Events.”

Introduction: Unprecedented global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the vulnerabilities within supply chains worldwide. As businesses faced disruptions and challenges, valuable lessons emerged regarding the need to address key areas of concern. This blog explores four critical aspects of supply chains—excessive lead times, logistics disruptions, purchasing strategies, and operational contingencies—and provides insights […]

Posted in: Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Hidden Costs of Inefficient Procurement and How to Fix Them”

Procurement is a vital function for any organization, ensuring the timely and cost-effective acquisition of goods and services required to achieve business objectives. However, inefficient procurement processes can lead to hidden costs that impact the bottom line. These hidden costs can be significant, and addressing them is essential for organizations looking to maximize efficiency and […]

Posted in: Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology,
“The Future of Supply Chain Logistics: Trends to Watch and Strategies to Adopt”

The supply chain is a complex system that involves numerous stakeholders, including manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and consumers. The logistics function is a critical component of the supply chain, responsible for managing the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. In recent years, advancements in technology and […]

Posted in: Conceptual, Logistics, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology,
“The Power of Data in Supply Chain Production: How Analytics Can Transform Your Operations.”

In today’s fast-paced business environment, supply chain production has become more complex and challenging than ever before. With a multitude of moving parts and stakeholders involved in the process, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the data and analytics that drive it. The power of data in supply chain production cannot be overstated […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Process, Supply Chain, Technology,
“The Importance of Supply Chain Cost Management- Key Takeaways for Business Owners and Managers”

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, supply chain cost management has become a critical aspect of running a successful business. Effective supply chain cost management can help businesses to reduce costs, improve profitability, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of supply chain cost […]

Posted in: Finance, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology,
“Solving Your Supply Chain Warehousing Pains: Strategies for Success”

Supply chain warehousing is a vital component of any business that deals with physical products. The effective management of warehouse operations is critical to achieving a smooth and efficient supply chain. However, for many businesses, managing warehousing can be a daunting task. The cost of running a warehouse can quickly spiral out of control, and […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“The Impact of Poor Inventory Management on Your Supply Chain and How to Fix It”

Inventory management is a critical component of any supply chain. It involves managing the flow of goods and materials in and out of a business to ensure that there is always enough stock on hand to meet customer demand. However, poor inventory management can have a significant impact on your supply chain, leading to lost […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Maximizing Efficiency and Minimizing Risk: A Guide to Supply Chain Planning”

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, supply chain planning is more important than ever. Companies that can effectively plan their supply chain operations are better able to meet customer demand, minimize risk, and maximize efficiency. However, supply chain planning is a complex process that involves multiple stakeholders, systems, and processes. In this blog, we will […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Managing Inventory Costs: A Key Component of Your Supply Chain Financial Strategy”

Effective supply chain management is critical for any organization to stay competitive and profitable. One key component of supply chain management is managing inventory costs. Inventory costs can have a significant impact on a company’s financial performance, and it is essential to have a solid inventory management strategy to keep costs under control. Inventory costs […]

Posted in: Finance, Inventory, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
Revolutionising Supply Chain Management: Unravelling the Potential of AI in the Next Generation

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of supply chain management, embracing technology has become an imperative. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, promising to revolutionise traditional supply chain design. In the book ‘Inventory and Other Grocery Items,’ the author introduces the concept of the next generation supply chain, where AI plays a pivotal […]

Posted in: Conceptual, Continuous Improvement, Process, Supply Chain, Technology,
Automation Guide for SME- Keeping up with the Joneses

Do I or don’t I? The question CEO’s or General Managers would be asking about automation and to what level within their business. If labour cost wasn’t on the radar pre COVID, then it would certainly be there now. In addition to the sick leave, labour hire, overtime, the business costs were unprecedented. Although the […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
COVID – a lingering bug that can knock your business off its feet (that’s if you’re not taking care of it)

I think we can all agree, COVID has made us scrutinise our Supply Chain systems ability to be able to respond quickly to changes impacting the supply chain. What we don’t see is basic logic applied, and the creation of a new generation of acronyms (e.g. JIC – Just in Case). The issue is lead […]

Posted in: Customer Service, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
Unleashing Innovation: Beyond Fossil Fuels in the Net Zero Era

Introduction With the global ‘Net Zero’ emissions target set for 2050 and signed off by all but six countries, the urgency to take action against climate change continues to gain momentum. While renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and electric vehicles (EVs) have made significant strides, they may not be the ultimate saviors in […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Logistics, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Significance of Data and Performance Monitoring in Demand Planning”

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting impact on businesses worldwide, highlighting the importance of effective demand planning in managing through crises. Demand planning requires two essential types of data: complete and accurate historical data, and current live accurate data. By comparing and analysing both types of data, businesses can navigate through variations that […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Secrets of Successful Inventory Management: Lessons from Top Restaurateurs”

Introduction: Inventory management is a critical aspect of running any business, and the restaurant industry is no exception. Surprisingly, it is the top restaurateurs who have mastered the art of inventory management, putting them ahead of their competitors. Their ability to minimize waste and maximize profits is a key factor in their success. In this […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Bridging the Gap: The Importance of Training in Understanding Business Metrics”

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced business environment, measuring and evaluating performance is crucial for organizations to thrive. Business scorecards and dashboards provide valuable insights through various metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). However, one significant obstacle often encountered is the lack of understanding and effective communication of these metrics among staff members. This blog explores the […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Maximizing Warehouse Efficiency through Correct SKU Slotting”

Introduction Effective inventory management is crucial for any business, especially when it comes to warehousing operations. Correct SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) slotting plays a pivotal role in maintaining lean operational costs, minimizing waste, and maximizing overall efficiency. By utilizing SKU characteristics within master data tables and engaging both inventory and operations functions, businesses can optimize […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Inventory & Other Grocery Items: Unveiling the Epicentre of Business”

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of supply chain management, understanding and effectively managing inventory is crucial for businesses to thrive. To shed light on this intricate topic, the iA-Inventory Academy presents “Inventory & Other Grocery Items,” the first book in a series dedicated to exploring the various facets of supply chain functions and processes. Published […]

Posted in: Conceptual, Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Brains Trust of Inventory Management: The Master Data File”

Introduction In the world of business, effective inventory management is essential for smooth operations and customer satisfaction. For businesses that deal with inventory, the Master Data file serves as the brains trust, containing crucial field data required to support internal functions. Additionally, the Locations Data file plays an equally vital role, encompassing various data requirements […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Constructing Inventory Supply Chain Equations: Elements for Accuracy”

Introduction In the world of inventory management, accurate calculations of stock reserves are essential for efficient operations. One critical component in this process is the determination of inventory supply chain equations. These equations enable businesses to calculate optimal inventory levels by considering factors such as demand, lead times, and seasonal impacts. This blog post will […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain,
The safe handling and management of inventory is critical.

The safe handling of inventory is critical for both public safety, and the survival of the business. Safety and inventory go well beyond the type of product and its use. It also includes the physical SKU characteristics and the impacts of its handling. For example, in a FMCG DC (distribution centre), locating the SKU’s in […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Operations, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“The Future of Supply Chain: Introducing VR TAKT, Weighted Solutions, and Algorithms”

Have you ever heard the cliché, “The next generation supply chain systems will look very different from what they are today”? It’s a statement that lacks substance and leaves us wondering how exactly the future will unfold. As a sceptic, I believe we need tangible direction and concrete ideas to truly understand the changes ahead. […]

Posted in: Conceptual, Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Rethinking Inventory Management: Unlocking Efficiency and Operational Excellence”

In today’s fast-paced business environment, relying solely on a Material Requirements Planning (MRP) systems to manage inventory just doesn’t cut it anymore. To effectively manage inventory and stay competitive, organizations need to develop a core set of skills that enhance efficiency and drive internal progress through operational excellence. This blog post will introduce you to […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Process, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Contract vs. MOU: Simplifying Business Agreements for Cost-Effective Collaboration”

Introduction In the realm of business agreements, two commonly used documents are contracts and memoranda of understanding (MOUs). Both serve the purpose of defining the terms and conditions between parties, but there is a growing preference, particularly from the customer and supplier viewpoint, for utilizing MOUs over contracts. This preference is primarily driven by cost […]

Posted in: Finance, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain,
“Enhancing Inventory Management through Project Management: The Power of Process Definition”

Introduction Efficient inventory management is crucial for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. Inventory managers play a vital role in overseeing the flow of goods, ensuring optimal stock levels, and maintaining cost-effective operations. While their primary focus revolves around inventory, there is much to be gained by integrating project management principles into their role. […]

Posted in: Conceptual, Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Proliferation of Spreadsheets: A Reflection on System Functionality and Employee Practices”

Introduction In today’s digital age, businesses heavily rely on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Material Requirements Planning (MRP), and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. However, despite the capabilities of these systems, many employees continue to create numerous spreadsheets to fulfil their tasks. This blog aims to explore the reasons behind the […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“The Vital Importance of Inbound Receipt Processes in Business Operations”

Introduction In the complex landscape of modern business operations, the effectiveness of inbound receipt processes plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operations and maintaining customer satisfaction. Neglecting this critical aspect can have far-reaching consequences that ripple throughout the entire business.  This article aims to shed light on the significance of robust inbound receipt processes […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“The Squeaky Wheel: Fixing Inefficient Processes for Business Success”

Introduction In today’s competitive business landscape, efficiency and effectiveness are paramount for sustainable success. However, even the most well-designed processes can fall short of expectations and fail to meet key performance indicators (KPIs). When faced with such challenges, it is crucial for organizations to take proactive measures to identify and rectify the underlying issues. In […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology, Warehousing,
“Stocktakes – the benefits other than financial”

Stocktakes provide additional benefits than just determining asset values. Conducting a stocktake is not simply about accepting the values at face value, but rather it serves as an opportunity to identify and address any variances that may exist. By conducting a thorough analysis of the discrepancies, businesses can root cause the variances and fix any […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Instocking: Streamlining Purchasing Activities for Efficient Inventory Management”

Introduction Efficient inventory management plays a pivotal role in the seamless functioning of any business. It not only helps in cost reduction but also maximizes profitability. One critical aspect of inventory management involves the periodic review of purchasing activities to identify potential new Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) for the shelves. In this blog post, we […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Regular Check-ups: Applying the Maintenance Mindset to Inventory Management”

Introduction Just like we schedule regular check-ups for our cars and prioritize routine health examinations, it’s surprising that many businesses overlook the importance of applying the same approach to their inventory. While most companies have skilled employees who can handle basic maintenance tasks, entrusting them with the complex intricacies of inventory management may lead to […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Understanding the Six Stages of Inventory Life Cycle for Effective Management”

Introduction Inventory management plays a vital role in the success of any business. To ensure optimal control and utilization of inventory, it is essential to understand the life cycle of inventory. The life cycle of inventory can be defined by six stages, each with its unique characteristics and management requirements. By categorizing inventory items into […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain,
“Ensuring Effective Inventory Storage: Vital Steps for Long-Term Warehouse Preservation”

Introduction Efficient inventory management is a crucial aspect of any business, and it becomes even more critical when it comes to long-term warehouse storage. While fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) may not face significant challenges in this regard, businesses dealing with engineered stores encounter a unique set of problems. Neglecting proper storage practices in remote warehousing […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Process, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“The Value of S&OP Meetings: Applying Sports Team Strategies to Business Success”

Introduction In the world of sports, successful teams understand the importance of regular meetings and effective communication to achieve their goals. These meetings, often known as strategy or game planning sessions, allow team members to align their efforts, review past performances, and develop strategies for future success. This concept is not exclusive to the realm […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Customer Service, Finance, Inventory, Logistics, Operations, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Warehousing,
“Uncovering Hidden Costs: Tackling Inventory Wastes for Continuous Improvement”

Introduction In any business, the bottom line is crucial for success and profitability. No one wants unnecessary hits to their bottom line, especially when they can be avoided. One area that often leads to financial losses is inventory waste, which can result from various factors such as poor stock rotation, sub-standard inbound goods, operational inefficiencies, […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Finance, Inventory, Operations, Supply Chain,
“The Impact of Supplier Lead Times on Business Sustainability: Navigating Supply Chain Challenges in a Post-COVID Era”

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching consequences on various aspects of our lives, and the business world is no exception. One of the key areas significantly affected by the virus is the global supply chain. The disruption caused by lockdowns, travel restrictions, and reduced production capacities has led to concerns about business sustainability. In […]

Posted in: Continuous Improvement, Inventory, Logistics, Process, Purchasing Procurement, Supply Chain, Technology,